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Smart contract order

Smart contract order

A smart contract order is an automated, self-executing agreement facilitated by smart contracts, typically on a blockchain platform. Smart contracts use code to automatically enforce the terms and conditions of a contract, eliminating the need for intermediaries and reducing the risk of human error or fraud.


This is a simple smart contract order designed to automatically execute trades at the best possible price while ensuring that the leverage used does not exceed the specified maximum leverage.

Copyright 2022 JOJO Exchange
SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1

pragma solidity ^0.8.9;

import "./JOJODealer.sol";
import "./libraries/EIP712.sol";
import "./libraries/Types.sol";
import "./libraries/Trading.sol";
import "./libraries/SignedDecimalMath.sol";
import "./interfaces/IDealer.sol";
import "./interfaces/IPerpetual.sol";
import "./interfaces/internal/IPriceSource.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";

contract PriceFollowOrder is Ownable {

using SignedDecimalMath for int256;

int256 public maxLeverage;
address public jojoDealer;
mapping(address => address) marketPriceSource;

constructor(address _jojoDealer, int256 _maxLeverage) {
jojoDealer = _jojoDealer;
maxLeverage = _maxLeverage;

// Function to encode Order struct into bytes
function encodeOrder(Types.Order memory order) public pure returns (bytes memory) {
return abi.encode(order.perp, order.signer, order.paperAmount, order.creditAmount,;

// Function to decode bytes back into Order struct
function decodeOrder(bytes memory data) public pure returns (Types.Order memory) {
(address perp, address signer, int128 paperAmount, int128 creditAmount, bytes32 info) =
abi.decode(data, (address, address, int128, int128, bytes32));
return Types.Order(perp, signer, paperAmount, creditAmount, info);

function setMaxleverage(int256 _maxLeverage) external onlyOwner {
maxLeverage = _maxLeverage;

function setPrice(address perp, address oracle) external onlyOwner {
marketPriceSource[perp] = oracle;

function withdraw(uint256 primaryAmount, uint256 secondaryAmount, bytes memory param) external onlyOwner {
JOJODealer(jojoDealer).fastWithdraw(address(this), owner(), primaryAmount, secondaryAmount, false, param);

function isValidSignature(bytes32 hash, bytes calldata data) public view returns (bytes4 magicValue) {
Types.Order memory order = decodeOrder(data);

bytes32 domainSeparator = JOJODealer(jojoDealer).domainSeparator();
bytes32 orderHash = EIP712._hashTypedDataV4(domainSeparator, Trading._structHash(order));

require(hash == orderHash, "hash is not the same");
// check price
uint256 oraclePrice = IPriceSource(marketPriceSource[order.perp]).getMarkPrice();
uint256 orderPrice = int256(order.creditAmount * 1e18 / order.paperAmount).abs();
if (order.paperAmount >= 0) {
require(orderPrice <= oraclePrice, "price is not fill");
} else {
require(orderPrice >= oraclePrice, "price is not fill");
// check margin
(int256 netValue, uint256 exposure,,) = IDealer(jojoDealer).getTraderRisk(address(this));
(int256 singleMarketExposure,) = IPerpetual(order.perp).balanceOf(address(this));
int256 exposureChange = int256((singleMarketExposure + order.paperAmount).abs() - singleMarketExposure.abs())
* SafeCast.toInt256(IDealer(jojoDealer).getMarkPrice(order.perp)) / 1e18;

int256 exposureAfterTrade = SafeCast.toInt256(exposure) + exposureChange;
require(exposureAfterTrade * 1e18 / netValue <= maxLeverage, "leverage is not fill");
return 0x1626ba7e;